High-tech products for industry: the heart of innovation

A less-known area, in which we concentrate our R&D efforts, creating technologically excellent and exclusive solutions.

11/01/2021  |  Fantini Cosmi Reading time

Not everyone knows that, aside from products for distribution, Fantini Cosmi is an innovative boutique of custom-made products intended for leading Italian manufacturing companies. Drawing its strength from an extensive catalogue and 90 years of activity, Fantini Cosmi boasts solid experience in regulation and control, which are the key to creating exclusive solutions.

Fantini Cosmi’s “products for industry”

These are true made-to-measure products, with customised design, functions and technical support.
Depending on needs, they can be incorporated into the customer’s products, or adapted to their requirements, or even completely customised.
Thermostats and pressure switches fall under the first case: they ensure the right temperature or pressure in boilers, industrial ironing machines or dishwashers. In other cases, the products that are listed in the Fantini Cosmi catalogue are slightly modified from a technical/operational point of view and branded with the customer’s trademark. Lastly, when developing new products and systems, Fantini Cosmi builds a very close collaboration relationship with its customers.

Why products for industry are important for innovation

Custom-made products and systems require a complex production engineering process and development times that take into account the customer’s certification and validation procedures. The standards required for custom-made products are very high, as they form the basis for the proper operation of the customer’s solutions. They often drive technical progress. In fact, the effort of creating new solutions that meet the customer’s specific needs is a source of innovation for future additional applications and developments. The advances of technology and of machine protocols in which the Fantini Cosmi products will be integrated can also stimulate the pursuit of innovative solutions. In both cases, the levels of excellence reached with the development of a custom-made product has a pronounced effect on the other Fantini Cosmi products, through the modernisation and improvement of standard products or the addition of new products to the standard range intended for distribution.

Experiences and successes

If we look at some outstanding projects, an excellent example would be the case of Sabiana, a company that creates machines and systems that heat and cool spaces of every kind. Once the prototyping, testing and implementation cycle was completed, two years after the initial idea, this product – now fully optimised – also became part of the range intended for distribution. Another important case study that Fantini Cosmi worked on is that of A2A, the largest Italian multi-utility company. This is a particularly innovative project for the cogeneration of electricity aiming to minimise losses. We contributed with a series of devices that enable communication between the power plant and the apartment buildings, not through the building’s traditional WiFi Network but over a LoRaWAN protocol. The project enters its third phase in 2021, a phase which focuses on the optimisation of the devices and remote regulation curves: here’s the project, described in detail in the magazine published by the AEIT [Italian Association of Electrical, Electronics, Automation, Information and Communication Technology].

If you would like more information on creating a custom-made product, we are here to help you: get in touch!


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